Bulan: Februari 2016


Bincang SDM: Profesi di Bidang Perpajakan

Dua klub kemahasiswaan MM UGM Yogyakarta, Human Resource  Community dan Smart Center Club berkolaborasi menggelar acara “Bincang SDM: Profesi di Bidang Perpajakan” di Student Lounge kampus MM UGM, Jalan Teknika Utara No. 1, Yogyakarta, Rabu sore, 14 Mei 2014. Di kampus Indonesia pertama yang meraih akreditasi AACSB itulah Adrianus Dicky Kristanto memandu talkshow yang menghadirkan …


A meaningful life in the new blog

Yesterday I activated my new blog here, under Gadjah Mada University domain. I was glad because now I can write in the new home instead of blogspot and blogdetik.  I was bored with blogspot and I found that my blog in blogdetik is not accessible from certain places, such as from Brisbane where I spent …